Witness an entertaining tactical shooting game where you can deploy multiple soldiers from different war eras with the help of War Age Tycoon Script. This script or code will give you the best tools that you can use to speed up your cash earnings and establish the most powerful tycoon empire across the game. This also helps you to become more effective in every gunfight to conquer more enemy camps and maximize your cash earnings in your everyday journey.
War Age Tycoon Script Auto Collect, Infinite Ammo, Walkspeed, Double Primary
Copy the script below to level up your war machineries in the game. Make sure to use the most effective executor/exploit to make your daily battle more fun and exciting. We have a list of available executors here.
War Age Tycoon Script Pastebin
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local backpack = player.Backpack
local character = game.Workspace.Characters[player.Name]
local guns = game.ReplicatedStorage.Guns
local function checkGunExists(name)
for i,v in pairs(guns:GetDescendants()) do
if v.Name == name then return true
for i,v in pairs(backpack:GetDescendants()) do
if checkGunExists(v.Name) then
v:SetAttribute("Ammo", math.huge)
for i,v in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
if checkGunExists(v.Name) then
v:SetAttribute("Ammo", math.huge)
How To Use War Age Tycoon Script
Follow these simple steps on how to use the War Age Tycoon Script:
1. Choose an effective executor/exploit from the list (Free & Paid)
2. Download the executor you prefer. We have our list here.
3. Launch the Roblox game first, then the executor
4. When both the Roblox game and executor are open, press Inject or Attach (it depends on what executor you are using)
5. Paste the script you want to use
6. Press the Execute or Play button (again it depends on what executor you are using)
7. That’s all, enjoy using the War Age Tycoon script GUI
About The War Age Tycoon Script
The Roblox War Age Tycoon Script is a set of unique codes that allows the user to have auto-farm features to eliminate numerous enemy soldiers on the battlefield to earn cash instantly. With its efficient algorithms and instinctive interface, it is very easy to use even if you are a newbie player or an experienced player.
A truly impressive tool for success in every Roblox game you will be part of.
By using the best script of the game, you now have an advantage over other players in terms of high-quality soldiers and modern facilites to make your every war campaign more victorious. Evolve your soldier from stone age era to modern age soldier to increase their damage power.
If you are looking for the latest War Age Tycoon Codes to earn more cash in the game, you can collect them here.
Always remember that all kinds of game scripts are illegal and may violate the Roblox Terms of Service, resulting in an account banning or other punishments. Be careful when using the script to avoid any game trouble while playing Roblox.
So what are you waiting for? Download the appropriate script of the game and deploy the bravest soldier from different war eras in War Age Tycoon today.