Show off your critical thinking skills and great planning by destroying other chess GMs to become the greatest chess player of all time with the help of Chess Script. This script or code will give you the best tools to play several matches even if you are in AFK mode. It also increases your winning rate and coin earnings to purchase unique chess piece skins throughout the game.
Chess Script Auto Play, Auto Player Undetected, Free Skins, GUI
Copy the script below to enhance your intense board game experience. Make sure to use the most effective executor/exploit to make your daily chess battle more challenging and competitive. We have a list of available executors here.
Chess MAC Support & Mobile Fix Script:
Chess Free Skin Script:
local string = ""
local cipher_key = "8@aC!xoXj!cemnnHjyLW!@wtr_D8r9*9-h9r6NnZ4AJGjVNWbY"
local function encrypt(str, key)
local encrypted = ""
for i = 1, #str do
local char = string.byte(str, i)
local key_char = string.byte(key, (i - 1) % #key + 1)
encrypted = encrypted .. string.char(bit32.bxor(char, key_char))
return encrypted
local function decrypt(str, key)
return encrypt(str, key)
local encrypted = encrypt(string, cipher_key)
loadstring(game:HttpGet(decrypt(encrypted, cipher_key)))()
Chess Script Pastebin
import chess.pgn
import chess
import chess.svg
import imageio
import chess.engine
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot
from cairosvg import svg2png
class analyse_multi_games:
def __init__(self, file_name, player=""):
self.game_file = open(file_name, "r")
self.player = player
self.engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci("/home/destroyer5237/Documentos/Projetos_Python/PythonChess/stockfish-10-linux/Linux/stockfish_10_x64")
self.board = chess.Board()
self.depth = 36
self.analyses_games = []
self.games_instances = []
if "MovesPng" not in os.listdir() and "MovesPng" not in os.listdir():
def start_games(self, number_of_games=True):
pgn_game = False
if number_of_games == True:
while not pgn_game is None:
pgn_game = chess.pgn.read_game(self.game_file)
for num in range(number_of_games):
pgn_game = chess.pgn.read_game(self.game_file)
if pgn_game is None:
return True
def analyse_pgn(self, games_number, time_analyse=1):
for game in range(games_number):
pgn_game = self.games_instances[game]
player_with = True
list_pontuation = []
self.board = chess.Board()
if self.player != "":
if pgn_game.headers["White"] == self.player:
player_with = True
player_with = False
for move in pgn_game.mainline_moves():
score = self.engine.analyse(board=self.board, limit=chess.engine.Limit(time=time_analyse, depth=self.depth))["score"]
pontuation = chess.engine.PovScore(score, self.board.turn)
if not pontuation.is_mate():
if self.board.turn == player_with:
def get_gif_game(self, game_number=1, speed=2):
game_gif = self.games_instances[game_number - 1]
board_gif = chess.Board()
count = 0
images_files = []
for move in game_gif.mainline_moves():
generated_svg = chess.svg.board(board=board_gif)
svg2png(bytestring=generated_svg, parent_width=500, parent_height=500, write_to=f"MovesPng/move_{count}.png")
count += 1
images = []
for filename in images_files:
imageio.mimsave(f'game_{game_number}.gif', images, fps=speed)
for i in range(count):
def generate_game_graphics(self, game=1):
if len(self.analyses_games) < game:
return "Jogo ainda não foi analisado!"
game_to_graphic = self.analyses_games[game-1]
pgn_game = self.games_instances[game-1]
x_graphics = [x for x in range(1, len(game_to_graphic) + 1)]
title_name = pgn_game.headers["Event"]
pyplot.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (6.4*4, 4.8)
pyplot.plot(x_graphics, game_to_graphic, color="black")
pyplot.plot(x_graphics, game_to_graphic, color="black", marker="o")
pyplot.title(f"Partida {title_name}")
pyplot.ylabel("Sua Vantagem")
games_file = input("Digite o nome do arquivo com seus jogos:")
ana = analyse_multi_games(games_file, player="NDestroyer5237")
ana.analyse_pgn(games_number=1, time_analyse=0.1)
How To Use Chess Script
Follow these simple steps on how to use Chess Script:
1. Choose an effective executor/exploit from the list (Free & Paid)
2. Download the executor you prefer. We have our list here.
3. Launch the Roblox game first, then the executor
4. When both the Roblox game and executor are open, press Inject or Attach (it depends on what executor you are using)
5. Paste the script you want to use
6. Press the Execute or Play button (again it depends on what executor you are using)
7. That’s all, enjoy using the Chess script GUI
About The Chess Script
The Roblox Chess Script is a set of unique codes that allows the user to have auto-play features to instantly join random matches such as casual or rank games without queuing. With its efficient algorithms and instinctive interface, it is very easy to use even if you are a newbie player or an experienced player.
A truly impressive tool for success in every Roblox game you will be part of.
By using the best script of the game, you now have an advantage over other players in terms of chess strategy and defensive moves to win against your opponents without difficulty. This will also help you to rank up faster to reach the grand master level in an instant.
If you are looking for the latest Chess Codes to receive more exclusive skins in the game, you can collect them here.
Always remember that all kinds of game scripts are illegal and may violate the Roblox Terms of Service, resulting in an account banning or other punishments. Be careful when using the script to avoid any game trouble while playing Roblox.
So what are you waiting for? Download the appropriate script of the game and elevate your thinking skills to reach the highest spot in the world rankings in Chess today.